Adventures in Watercolor
with artist Sherry Carlson
Service Description
In this 6-week watercolor class, you will begin to see and capture your surroundings in a new way. We will intimately explore light and texture on surfaces and translate our experience into loose gestural watercolors. Class will be positive and encouraging -- a growth experience. You will be encouraged to keep a sketchbook and challenge yourself at home. Drawing skills are not required, but learning to draw will also improve your painting skills. Students will receive instruction in composition, contrast, and color. We will work with using the white of the paper through the use of negative painting and use of miskit/liquid frisket. We will go over the use of brushes and effects. We will work from life and reference photographs. Students will learn to see like an artist, paint negative spaces, and do value studies while getting to know their materials. Adventures in Watercolor will be held for 6 weeks starting on Monday, March 10th from 1 PM to 3PM. This painting course has a following and will fill up quickly! Register today! WATERCOLOR MATERIALS LIST ❑ PRANG set of pan watercolors or comparable (You may use tubes if you already own.) ❑ Watercolor paper Sketchbook 5x7 to 11x14 size ❑ 1 large round Watercolor Brush (size 7 up to size 12) (has good point) ❑ 1 detail round Watercolor Brush (size 0 or 1) (has good point) ❑ 1 small fan brush ❑ 1 liner/rigger thin long bristle Watercolor Brush ❑ 2 flat brushes- one around size 9-12, the other smaller between 0-4) ❑ pencil (#2 or artist grade) ❑ sharpie black pen & waterproof fine-tip black pen ❑ kneaded eraser ❑ Paper towels ❑ water holder (old butter tub, large mouth glass jar, wide cup. I like a lid for mine.) ❑ painters tape or masking tape(thin) ❑ small scissors with good point ❑ X-acto knife OPTIONAL: ❑ watercolor palette with wells and large mixing surface (can use inside of Prang ) ❑ grey marker ❑ White Prismacolor wax pencil ❑ White gouache ❑ blade/dagger brush (loosens you up.) TUBE OR PAN COLORS OPTIONAL: ❑ Permanent Alizarin Crimson (cool red) ❑ Winsor Lemon (cool yellow) ❑ French Ultramarine Blue (cool blue) ❑ Cerulean Blue ❑ Sap Green (warm) ❑ Winsor Yellow or Cadmium Yellow medium or light (warm yellow) ❑ Cadmium red medium or light (warm red) ❑ Burnt Sienna (warm neutral) ❑ Violet *All supplies listed can be bought at Ethotera Art Studio.*

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you!
Contact Details
432 Porter Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS, USA
(228) 235-4435